Young Children's Community
So much critical development happens between birth and age 3: It sets the stage for the rest of your child’s life. Recognizing this reality, we created our Young Children’s Community—a stimulating and safe environment that lays the foundation for all future learning. Each class is guided by loving and nurturing teachers who are rigorously trained in child development.
You can choose from the following options:
Infant -Toddler Class – from birth to 36 months this class provides a “prepared environment” for your child to explore and learn by experiencing the classroom materials and interacting with a familiar group of peers. In this cozy, welcoming classroom, infants and toddlers gain self-confidence as they work and learn at their own pace.
All-Day Class: This class is offered 5 days a week 8:30-3:15.
Before & After Care are available.
Half-Day Class: This class is offered 5 mornings a week 8:30-11:30.
YCC classes are offered for the school year or for the calendar year.
To learn more about our Young Children’s Community, please contact Michelle Lazor at advancement@
Meet the Teachers

The parent/toddler class is one of a kind in this area. It is personalized and professional.