Endowment Gifts

The HMS Endowment Fund was created more than 20 years ago as an investment in the school’s future. Endowed funds are forever: only a portion of the interest is spent each year, leaving the rest to be invested with the principal so it keeps growing. 

In addition to non-restricted donations to the general endowment, the following restricted endowed funds are available for your support:

  • The Achamma Koshy Literacy Endowment Fund commemorates the love of learning that our retired Children’s House directress shared with her students. Each year, allocated funds are used to enhance the educational opportunities for our students relating to literacy.
  • The Molly White Volunteer Endowment Fund honors one of HMS’s founders and her years of dedication to the school. Funds generated are used to encourage and sustain volunteer activities for HMS students, staff, faculty and families.
  • The Stephen Louis Gyomber Endowment Fund was established in memory of Steve and Kathy Gyomber’s son. Funds generated are used to purchase new or updated books for the HMS library.
  • Scholarship Fund income provides additional dollars for tuition assistance for families with financial need.
  • Maintenance Fund income is used for the upkeep of our campus and facilities.