Welcome New Staff Members to HMS

Hudson Montessori School welcomes new staff members for the 2020-2021 school year.

Shannon Ruhe

Shannon Ruhe will be joining Hudson Montessori School as a Lower Elementary teacher in the fall.  She will assume the lead teacher role in Spero's classroom.  Shannon is an experienced Montessori educator.  She has earned AMS credentials for both Lower (Grades 1-3) and Upper (Grades 4-6) Elementary teaching from the Houston Montessori Training Center.  She holds a BS in Elementary Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.  Prior to relocating closer to home in the Northeast Ohio area, Shannon was most recently working as a Lower Elementary Teacher at Charles Ellis Montessori School in Savannah, Georgia.  Beyond this, Shannon has many years of experience in both traditional and Montessori schools working with Lower Elementary aged students.  

Rachael Mundie

Rachael Mundie will join our community as a Middle School Guide with primary responsibility for Humanities and Language Arts.  She will join Amy Fagan and Beth Mast.   Rachael comes to Hudson Montessori School with significant teaching experience at the university level.   For ten years, Rachael instructed Art History at Kent State University and the University of Akron.  She has a Bachelor's of Arts degree in Art History from Kent State University and Master's degrees in Fine Arts as well as Library and Information Science from Kent State University.   After this significant teaching experience, Rachael worked in the Office of Global Education at Kent State University where she held many roles including most recently as the Interim Associate Director.  

Pat Ludick

Pat Ludick will be returning to HMS as the Educational Facilitator for the Middle School.  In this role, Pat will provide leadership and mentoring to the Middle School team.  She will help ensure the effective delivery of Montessori practice and pedagogy to the students by supporting the faculty in their collective and individual work. She will also prioritize communication and the upholding of our curriculum standards and best practices within the Hudson Montessori Middle School.  Pat comes to this role naturally as she help to found the Middle School 15 years ago, taught and led it for many years and is an internationally respected expert in Montessori education.  Past students and parents will attest that having Mrs. Ludick as part of our team is a boon, to say the least.

Martha Bayliss

Hudson Montessori School welcomes Martha Bayliss to our HMS team.  She will be teaching art.  Martha has experience teaching art to elementary through high school students at many schools, most of which are international.  Martha has subbed at HMS, primarily in 18/19.  Most recently she was working at Laurel as a long-term sub and also she has been a coach at WRA.  Martha lives in Hudson. Welcome, Martha!

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